
Providing seniors with a way of getting their groceries without needing to step out of their house!

Click here to check out the project!


For RookieHacks 2020, my team and I wanted to tackle problems that occured during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout this event, everyone needed a little help. Stepping outside our homes to gather necessary supplies was more risky for some than it was for others. Many grocery delivery solutions are built for those who are familiar with modern technology and experience ordering on our devices. Gateway is a tool specifically designed for seniors who need a helping hand in ordering groceries.

It connects seniors with drivers able to deliver their groceries to them. Seniors will be able to choose from a list of groceries or upload their handwritten notes to automatically transcribe their list for grocery orders. Seniors are notified of who is going to be able to deliver, and are prompted if they want to tip.


Gateway is a cross-platform application for both Android and iOS that connects seniors with drivers licensed to deliver groceries. Seniors are able to choose from a list of groceries or upload their handwritten lists to automatically generate them. After the user has selected the groceries and placed their order, they will then be notified of who their driver will be, as well as the option to give the driver a tip.

The Flutter SDK and Dart programming language provide exceptionally useful tools that allowed us to create our cross-platform application. In order to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR), we used Google Cloud’s Vision AI to parse handwritten text from an image to create the user’s grocery list.

As seen on the picture below, our team was awarded “Best Use of Google Cloud” in RookieHacks 2020 for using their Vision AI API.



Team Members

Rafael Flora